Forward Together
A man hails a taxi in front of his office building, gives his destination to the driver, and gets in the back seat. About ten minutes into the drive, he leans forward and taps the driver on the shoulder. At his touch, the cab driver screams, swerves off the road, bounces off a lamppost, and comes to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk. The astonished passenger apologizes, “I’m sorry", he says,” I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to ask you a question."
“I know,” said the cab driver. “I’m sorry. But this is my first day driving a cab. For the last twenty-five years, I drove a hearse.”
All of us face transitions in life, and it is often difficult to manage them. The sacred scriptures for this weekend present us with three people in transition: Isaiah, who is moving from a court official to a prophet of God; Paul, who is moving from one who persecutes the Christian community to one of its greatest apostles; and Peter who is moving from catching fish to catching people. Those transitions were in many ways exciting and attractive. But we can also be sure that there was doubt and fear.
Just look at our own experiences. When we enter a new school, when we begin a new job, when we commit ourselves to someone we love in marriage, we know our life is going to change. Part of us asks, “Can I handle this? Will I find life in these new places?” When we realize that we have to care for an aging parent or that we will need to raise a child with a disability, when we make a mistake and our financial situation changes drastically, or when our family is changed by divorce, it’s natural for us to say, “Do I have the strength to face this? Can I survive in these new circumstances?”
Peter, in Sunday’s Gospel, gives us an example to follow. Peter sees the transition in his life as a calling. His move from catching fish to catching people is not simply a change he must negotiate. It is a response to a request by someone he loves. And Peter trusts Jesus. Even though he had fished all night long without catching anything, when Jesus asks him to lower his nets yet again, he does so.
Like Peter, we are invited to see the transitions in our life as callings. When we must face something new, either because of our own choices or because it is forced upon us, people of faith understand that the new challenge is connected to a God who loves us. A new job, a changed financial situation, the loss of someone we love in death, are not simply random events we must endure. They are changes that God asks us to face. And the one who calls can be trusted. The one who calls will not forget us. The one who asks us to lower our nets will give us strength to pull them up again. We might not catch as many fish as Peter, but faith tells us that our nets will not be empty.
Forward together and no one left behind,
Fr. Bill Murtaugh